
Q2 vs. JX

Why is that both Q2 grinder and JX grinder specified lists as pour-over?

Is Q2 and JX grinder is the right grinder for me? My brew methods are Aeropress, Siphon and French press.

Q2 and JX grinders are made for pour-over and it suits the brew methods like Pour-over, Aeropress, Siphon, Moka-pot, drip coffee and French press.

In short, the burr designs of Q2 and JX grinders are different.
However, it shared the same Internal adjustment design as 30 clicks per rotation3 clicks per number および 25 microns per click.
The capacity of the Classic catch-cup design with Q2 grinder is 15~20g whereas JX grinder is 30~35g.

Q2 grinder is considered a lightweight grinder for the coffee user who enjoys outdoor activities like camping.
JX grinder produces fewer fine particles compared to Q2 grinder.

Both Q2 and JX grinders could be pairing with the Cylinder case or the Travel case.
Both weighted less than a kg that could be a great essential for your travel companion and you.







(例:JX $129 + 送料 $10 = 合計 $139)

Cancel before an item is shippedfull refund (item’s price + shipping)
= $139
Return an item in original condition within 7 calendar days from the date you received it100% of the item’s price
= $129
Return an item in original condition over 7 calendar days from the date you received it80% of the item’s price
= 129*0.8 = $103.2



*A refund request over 7 calendar days from the date you received an item will be refunded partially (80% of the item’s price) and might be denied since the item has been used.