
Champion Recipe Collection

Exploring Winning Recipes with 1Zpresso Grinders

Let’s delve into the winning recipes from exceptional competitors around the world, showcasing how they use 1Zpresso grinders to achieve their award-winning brews.

These recipes are designed to highlight the versatility and excellence of 1Zpresso grinders, but remember, the parameters provided are just for reference. Feel free to adjust them to suit your personal taste and brewing style.

Table of Contents


WBrC Champion - Carlos Medina (ZP6 Special)

Grinder: 1Zpresso ZP6 Special
Grind Setting: 5.2
Coffee Bean: Natural Sidra from Finca Potosi, sourced from Granja La Esperanza Group @cafegranjalaesperanza
Ratio: 15.5g of coffee to 250g of water (approximately 1:16) at 91°C
Pouring Technique: Add 50g of water every 30 seconds
Carlos Medina
WBrC Champion 2023

Philippine Brewers Cup Champion - Lui Selorio (ZP6 Special)

Grinder: 1Zpresso ZP6 Special
Grind Setting: 4.1
Brewer: Origami Air
Filter: Cafec Origami Filter
Ratio: 1:15
Coffee: 16 grams
Water: 240 ml
Temperature: 91°C

Pouring Technique:
0:00-0:10 - Pour 50g water, wait till 0:30
0:30-0:40 - Pour 70g water, wait till 1:00
1:00-1:00 - Pour 60g water, wait till 1:30
1:30-1:40 - Pour the last 60g of water, let water draw down till 2:25
Lui Selorio
Philippine Brewers Cup Champion 2023

Brazilian Brewers Cup Champion - Rubens Vuolo Neto (K-Plus)

Grinder: 1Zpresso K-Plus
Grind Setting: 8
Coffee Weight: 15g
Coffee Blend: 9g Pink Bourbon from Fazenda Um + 6g Laurina from Daterra Farm
Water: 240g
Dripper: MK
Filter: Sybarist Flat

Pouring Technique:
1st and 2nd Pours: Pour 100 grams of water each time (at 96ºC) in quick circular movements.
3rd Pour: Add 40 grams (at 90°C) with a central and continuous flow.
Rubens Vuolo Neto
Brazilian Brewers Cup Champion 2023

Colombian Brewers Cup Champion - Janer Joseph Perez Rincon (ZP6 Special)

Grinder: 1Zpresso ZP6 Special
Grind Setting: 5.6
Coffee: 15g of Natural Geisha from San Pedro, Milton Monrroy
Water: 260g of Pure Colombian Water
Dripper: Acrylic Origami
Filter: Sibarist Conic

Pouring Technique:
1) 1st Pour: 50g
2) 2nd Pours: 70g each (at 92°C)
3) 3rd & 4th Pour: Add 70g each (at 86°C) in a mesmerizing spiral.
Janer Joseph Perez Rincon
Colombian Brewers Cup Champion 2023

Dutch Brewers Champion - Milo Gil (K-Ultra)

Grinder: 1Zpresso K-Ultra
Grind Setting: 7.5
Brewer: Origami Air
Filter: Sibarist
Ratio: 1:16.6
Coffee: 15g
Water: 250g
Temperature: 92°C

Pouring Technique:
00:00 - Start with a gentle pour of 40g
00:45 - Follow up with a pour of 60g
01:30 - Continue with a steady pour of 75g
02:15 - Conclude with a final pour of 75g

Pro Tips:
Let the water flow through the kettle at a rate of ≈ 7g/s for optimal extraction.
Experience the magic at around the 3:00 mark when the total drawdown completes.
Milo Gil
Dutch Brewers Champion 2024


English Aeropress Champion - Karim Abdul Jawad (ZP6 Special)

Grinder: 1Zpresso ZP6 Special
Grind Setting: 1st grind coarsest setting, 2nd grind at 5.5
Brewer Position: Upright
Dose: 18g
Filter: 1 Aesir Paper filter, pre-washed (always)
Water: TTW (2L sachet mixed in 5L distilled water), 190g, 84°C

Prep Coffee:
1) 1st grind at the coarsest setting, then blow off silverskin.
2) 2nd grind at 5.5 (1Zpresso ZP6, aim for medium coarse).
3) Spread coffee on a kitchen towel to reduce fines (or sift with Kruve or equivalent).

Brewing Technique:
1) Add 18g into the chamber.
2) Start your timer.
3) Add 50g of water, and stir gently 5 times back and forth.
4) Top up with 100g water, stir back and forth 10 times.
5) Seal with the plunger and vacuum upwards.
6) @1:30 start pressing very gently, aiming for a total press time of 45s, stopping at the hissing sound.
7) This will get you 110g of coffee, bypass with 40g of water at the same temperature.
8) Cool the brew down by mixing coffee back and forth into the server 4 times.
9) Serve!
Karim Abdul Jawad
English Aeropress Champion 2023

Dutch Aeropress Champion - Rocco Janga (JX-Pro)

Grinder: 1Zpresso JX-Pro
Grind Setting: 144 clicks
Brewer Position: Inverted
Dose: 18g
Water: Spa Blauw at 87°C & room temperature
Paper: 1 prewashed Aeropress classic paper
Brew Time: 3 minutes

Brewing Technique:
1) Pour 150 ml of 87°C water into the brewer.
2) Add the coffee to the brewer and start your timer.
3) Gently stir 10 times to awaken those delightful flavors.
4) Add 50 ml of 87°C water.
5) Screw the cap with the filter onto the brewer and push the air out.
6) Carefully flip it onto your server and give it a little swirl.
7) Allow it to brew until 2 minutes and 30 seconds on the server.
8) Press gently for around 30 seconds to extract the goodness.
9) Finally, bypass 100 ml of room temperature water to enhance the experience.
10) Gently stir one last time and serve this magnificent brew.
Rocco Janga
Dutch Aeropress Champion 2023

Portuguese Aeropress Champion - Manuel Tiago (K-Plus)

Grinder: 1Zpresso K-Plus
Grind Setting: 8.2
Brewer position: Inverted
Filter: Aeropress original paper filters (2 filters, dry)
Coffee weight: 18 grams
Water: Third Wave Water, classic profile
Temperature: 92 degrees Celsius
Total brew time: Approximately 3 minutes

Brewing Technique:
1) Weight the coffee beans, spray them with water to reduce static in the grinder and grind the coffee.
2) Tare the scales with an inverted Aeropress brewer on top of it.
3) Place the grounds inside the brewer, level them, start a timer, and pour 97 grams of water onto the brewer.
4) Stir the slurry with a cupping spoon 35 times slowly and gently, doing both a circular and vertical motion with the spoon. The rotation is about 80 RPM.
5) Wait until 1:20, and then gently remove excess space on the brewer by pulling the body down, and cover it.
6) Start pressing into a server at 1:40, going gently and steadily so that it is done by 2:05. The server should now have about 67 grams of beverage.
7) Dilute the beverage with 100 grams of the same water, at the same temperature. Let it cool down for a minute or so.
8) Enjoy!
Manuel Tiago
Portuguese Aeropress Champion 2023

Panama Aeropress Champion - Sofia Luttrell (K-Ultra)

Grinder: 1Zpresso K-Ultra
Grind Setting: 5.5
Coffee: 15 grams of Abu Coffee Geisha Natural Anaerobic
Total amount of water: 255 ml
Water at 54 ppm
Ratio: 1:17
Temperature: 88 degrees Celsius

Brewing Technique:
1) Add 45 ml of water and wait for 45 seconds with 3 turns.
2) Add water up to 125 ml and wait until 1 minute and 20 seconds with 3 turns.
3) Add the rest of the water up to 255 ml and wait for up to 2 minutes, lowering the plunger between 25 seconds to finish in a final preparation time of 2 minutes and 25 seconds.
4) Allow the coffee to cool for 1 minute, and then serve.
Sofia Luttrell
Panama Aeropress Champion 2023

Oman Aeropress Champion - Monther Alhabsi (K-Plus)

Grinder: 1Zpresso K-Plus
Grind Setting: 7.8
Brewer Method: Inverted
Water: 155ml, 82°C
Filter: Aeropress classic paper, 2 filters
Time: Between 3:50 to 4:10

Brewing Technique:
1) Add 18g to the Aeropress
2) Start the timer and pour 120ml of water
3) Stir 8 times and seal with the filter
4) Flip the Aeropress and patiently wait until 1:30
5) At 1:30, press for 20 seconds into a hot server
6) Transfer the coffee to another server on a scale
7) Add 90ml of coffee, then room temperature water to reach 120ml, and finally, hot water to 155ml
8) Pour the 155ml into the cup
9) Serve with love ❤️
Monther Alhabsi
Oman Aeropress Champion 2023

Colombia Aeropress Third Place Winner - Jhonn E. Vergara (JX-Pro)

Grinder: 1Zpresso JX-Pro S
Grind Setting: 120 clicks
Aeropress: Aeropress Clear
Paper Filters: 2 (Double Paper Filter)
Temperature: 90°C
Coffee Weight: 17 gr
Water: 160 ml in a single pour

Brewing Technique:
1) 25 seconds: First turbulence with AeroPress blade for 10 seconds in a cross shape.
2) 45 seconds: Second turbulence with AeroPress blade for 10 seconds in a cross shape.
3) 1:30: Start extraction for 20 seconds.
4) Bypass 40 ml of water.
5) Serve and savor the excellence!
Jhonn E. Vergara
Colombia Aeropress Third Place Winner 2023

To be continued…

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