
The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Pour-Over Coffee

Pour-over coffee is a manual brewing method that offers a clean, flavorful cup, allowing the true character of the coffee to shine. It’s a favorite among coffee enthusiasts for its simplicity and control. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the perfect pour-over coffee at home.

Table of Contents

What You'll Need

  • Freshly roasted coffee beans
  • A grinder
  • Pour-over dripper (e.g., Hario V60, Chemex)
  • Paper filters
  • Gooseneck kettle
  • Coffee scale
  • Timer
  • Water
  • A mug or carafe

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Heat the Water

    • Start by heating your water to between 195°F and 205°F (90°C to 96°C). This is the ideal temperature range for brewing coffee. Using a gooseneck kettle gives you better control over the pouring process.

  2. Measure and Grind the Coffee

    • Measure out your coffee beans. A good starting point is a 1:16 coffee-to-water ratio, which means 1 gram of coffee to 16 grams of water. For a single cup, use 20 grams of coffee and 320 grams of water. 
    • Grind the coffee beans to a consistency similar to table salt. The grind size is crucial; too coarse, and the coffee will be under-extracted and sour; too fine, and it will be over-extracted and bitter. (Click here for user instructions and grind setting reference charts for 1Zpresso grinders.)

  3. Prepare the Filter and Dripper

    • Place the paper filter in the dripper and set it over your mug or carafe.
    • Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper taste and to preheat the dripper. Discard the rinse water.

  4. Add Coffee Grounds

    • Add the ground coffee to the filter, leveling it out for even extraction.

  5. Bloom the Coffee

    • Start your timer and pour just enough hot water (about twice the weight of the coffee) to wet all the grounds evenly. This process, called blooming, allows the coffee to release trapped gases, enhancing flavor extraction. Let it bloom for about 30-45 seconds.

  6. Pour the Water

    • Begin pouring water in a slow, circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward, avoiding the edges. Pour in stages, adding water in increments to maintain the coffee bed’s saturation. This should take about 2-3 minutes.
    • Aim to pour steadily and evenly, keeping the water level consistent and avoiding flooding or dry spots. The total brewing time should be around 3-4 minutes.

  7. Let It Drip

    • Once you’ve poured all the water, let the coffee finish dripping through the filter. The final drips can contain more bitterness, so some people remove the dripper just before the last drops.

  8. Serve and Enjoy

    • Remove the dripper, discard the filter and grounds, and give the coffee a gentle swirl to mix the flavors. Pour your freshly brewed pour-over coffee into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Tips for a Perfect Pour-Over

  • Fresh Beans: Use freshly roasted coffee beans and grind them just before brewing to preserve the flavors and aromas.
  • Consistent Grind: A grinder that provides a consistent grind size is crucial for even extraction.
  • Temperature Control: Use a thermometer or a kettle with temperature control to ensure your water is within the optimal range.
  • Experiment: Adjust your coffee-to-water ratio, grind size, and pouring technique to find what works best for your taste preferences.


Pour-over coffee is an art that combines precision and simplicity, yielding a cup that highlights the intricate flavors of the coffee bean. With practice and attention to detail, you can master this brewing method and enjoy a consistently excellent cup of coffee. Happy brewing!


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