
Coffee Grind Size Chart for 1Zpresso Manual Coffee Grinder

1Zpresso (Easy-presso) Manual Coffee Grinder

A coffee grind size chart for the 1Zpresso manual coffee grinder is a valuable tool for coffee enthusiasts. It helps them achieve the perfect grind size for different brewing methods, resulting in a better-tasting cup of coffee. With this chart, users can easily adjust their grinder’s settings to match their brewing method and achieve their desired flavor profile.

This tutorial will help you learn how to read the 1Zpresso coffee grind size chart. The 1Zpresso team calibrated all the burrs in the grinders to ensure maximum stability over time. As a result, the outer ring and the burr were built through precision finishing, so some tolerance was expected as the first few clicks of the outer ring and the burr touched. Most importantly, constant touching might damage the burr set.

In this tutorial, we hope to help you understand the 1Zpresso coffee grind size chart for different adjustment designs. Firstly, we will define the zero setting of the 1Zpresso grinders and teach you how to find it. Moreover, coffee grind size chart will help you understand the differences in the 1Zpresso adjustment design. Secondly, we will provide a coffee grind size chart for the internal adjustment design (Q2 S & J & JE grinder). Thirdly, we will provide a coffee grind size chart for the top adjustment design (JX-Pro S & JE-Plus grinder). Finally, we will provide coffee grind size chart for the external adjustment design (J-Max S & J-Ultra & K-Pro & K-Plus & K-Max & K-Ultra & X-Pro S & X-Ultra & ZP6 Special grinder).

Table of Contents

How to find the Zero Setting

Adjusting the internal adjustment design and top adjustment design is quite easy. For example, you can adjust the adjustment dial clockwise until you feel resistance and the crank handle is unable to move drastically, that is the zero setting.

It is intuitive to adjust the external adjustment design. For instance, you can simply note where the red dot points at the indicator and the crank handle is unable to move drastically.

Adjustment design of 1Zpresso Manual Coffee Grinder

1Zpresso Grinders Adjustment
1Zpresso Grinders Adjustment Numbers per rotation Clicks per rotation Clicks per number MM per click
Q2 S & J & JE Internal 10 numbers 30 clicks 3 clicks 0.025mm
JX-Pro S & JE-Plus Top 10 numbers 40 clicks 4 clicks 0.0125mm
X-Pro S & X-Ultra External 6 numbers 60 clicks 10 clicks 0.0125mm
J-Max S External 9 numbers 90 clicks 10 clicks 0.0088mm
J-Ultra External 10 numbers 100 clicks 10 clicks 0.008mm
K-Plus & K-Pro & K-Max & ZP6 Special External 9 numbers 90 clicks 10 clicks 0.022mm
K-Ultra External 10 numbers 100 clicks 10 clicks 0.02mm

There are several selections available for the 1Zpresso manual coffee grinder, and the coffee grind size chart provided can help users spot the differences between them. For example, users can differentiate them by their names, adjustment design, numbers per rotation, clicks per rotation, clicks per number, and microns per click.

Assuming the user understands the differences in 1Zpresso adjustment design, the remainder of the tutorials will focus on the coffee grind size chart for the different designs. In other words, we will teach users how to adjust their grinders to achieve the desired grind settings using the 1Zpresso grinders.

Q2 S & J & JE grinder

Grind Setting of Internal Adjustment Design
0.5 rotation = turn counter-clockwise 5 numbers. (15 clicks)
0.7 rotation = turn counter-clockwise 7 numbers. (21 clicks)
1 rotation = turn counter-clockwise a round. (30 clicks)
1.4 rotations = turn counter-clockwise a round and 4 numbers. (42 clicks)
2.5 rotations = turn counter-clockwise 2 rounds and 5 numbers. (75 clicks)

1Zpresso Q Grind Setting Reference
1Zpresso JX Grind Setting Reference
1Zpresso JE Grind Setting Reference
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JX-Pro S & JE-Plus grinder

Grind Setting of Top Adjustment Design
0.8 rotation = turn counter-clockwise 8 numbers. (32 clicks)
1.5 rotation = turn counter-clockwise a round and 5 numbers. (60 clicks)
2.8 rotations = turn counter-clockwise 2 rounds and 8 numbers. (112 clicks)
3.6 rotations = turn counter-clockwise 3 rounds and 6 numbers. (144 clicks)
4.8 rotations = turn counter-clockwise 4 rounds and 8 numbers. (192 clicks)

1Zpresso JX-Pro Grind Setting Reference
1Zpresso JE-Plus Grind Setting Reference

X-Pro S & X-Ultra grinder

Grind Setting of External Adjustment Design
1 rotation = turn clockwise round. (60 clicks)
1.4 rotations = turn clockwise round and 4 numbers. (100 clicks)
2.3 rotations = turn clockwise 2 rounds and 3 numbers. (150 clicks)
3.5 rotations = turn clockwise 3 rounds and 5 numbers. (230 clicks)

J-Max S grinder

Grind Setting of External Adjustment Design
1.5 rotations = turn clockwise a round and 4.5 numbers. (135 clicks)
2.4 rotations = turn clockwise 2 rounds and 4 numbers. (220 clicks)
3.3 rotations = turn clockwise 3 rounds and 3 numbers. (300 clicks)
4.3 rotations = turn clockwise 4 rounds and 3 numbers. (390 clicks)

J-Ultra grinder

Grind Setting of External Adjustment Design
1.5 rotations = turn clockwise a round and 5 numbers. (150 clicks)
2.4 rotations = turn clockwise 2 rounds and 4 numbers. (240 clicks)
3.3 rotations = turn clockwise 3 rounds and 3 numbers. (330 clicks)
4.3 rotations = turn clockwise 4 rounds and 3 numbers. (430 clicks)

K-Max | K-Plus | K-Pro | ZP6 Special grinder

Grind Setting of External Adjustment Design
1.5 numbers = turn clockwise to #1 and 5 clicks. (15 clicks)
3.2 numbers = turn clockwise to #3 and 2 clicks. (32 clicks)
8.6 numbers = turn clockwise to #8 and 6 clicks. (86 clicks)
10 numbers = turn clockwise one full round to #0 and 1 number. (100 clicks)

1Zpresso K-series Grind Setting Reference
1Zpresso ZP6 Special Grind Setting Reference

K-Ultra grinder

Grind Setting of External Adjustment Design
2 numbers = turn clockwise to #2. (20 clicks)
4 numbers = turn clockwise to #4. (40clicks)
6.5 numbers = turn clockwise to #6 and 5 clicks. (65 clicks)
12.3 numbers = turn clockwise one full round to #2 and 3 clicks. (123 clicks)

Calibration Tutorial for 1Zpresso Grinders

You would gain a better understanding of each grinder’s calibrations. There are three types of calibrations on the 1Zpresso grinder. The internal adjustment design (Q2, JE, JX grinder), top adjustment design (JE-Plus and JX-Pro grinder), external adjustment design (K-Pro, K-Plus, J-Max, K-Max, ZP6 Special, K-Ultra grinder).

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