
使用說明書 - 旋彎搖臂



1Zpresso K-Ultra grinder
  • 握住握球一端搖臂,用力向上推。
1Zpresso K-Ultra grinder
  • 同時順時針旋轉搖臂到底, 旋彎完成。


1Zpresso K-Ultra grinder
  • 握住握球一端搖臂,用力向上推。
1Zpresso K-Ultra grinder
  • 同時逆時針旋轉搖臂到底, 歸位完成。
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(For example: JX $129 + Shipping $10 = Total $139)

If YouYou’ll Receive
Cancel before an item is shippedfull refund (item’s price + shipping)
= $139
Return an item in original condition within 7 calendar days from the date you received it100% of the item’s price
= $129
Return an item in original condition over 7 calendar days from the date you received it80% of the item’s price
= 129*0.8 = $103.2

*Any customs duty or relevant charges incurred will be deducted from the refund. (The table above does not include additional charges.)


*A refund request over 7 calendar days from the date you received an item will be refunded partially (80% of the item’s price) and might be denied since the item has been used.